Benefits of SmartBee

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The SmartBee is expected to improve the efficiency of both managers and field staff.

  • 01 Visualization of real-time maintenance/inspection progress

    Managers had no way of knowing how maintenance or inspections were being performed until the workers completed and submitted their reports. SmartBee will share real-time information, allowing managers to understand how work is progressing, give on-the-spot instructions, and point out deficiencies for correction before the worker leaves the site.

  • 02 Work style reform

    After working on site, do your workers return to the office and create a report on their computers, entering details and attaching photos imported from digital cameras or smartphones? With SmartBee, such reports can be completed on site. Creating reports is as easy as exporting Excel files generated by the system, with all data registered, including photos. Thanks to reporting via the system, managers also no longer need to manually receive and compile reports, such as using storage and passwords emailed to them, increasing productivity.

  • 03 Quality improvement

    Projects with many partners and workers often see different work process details and reporting formats. To ensure consistency among them, SmartBee can pre-define work items and what should be reported and, based on these, export reports in specific formats. Its workflow function also allows managers to approve or return reports and workers to resubmit them via the system, resulting in better management quality. Another quality benefit is error prevention: project statuses cannot be changed to complete until all pre-defined work items are done, avoiding omissions and incomplete reports.

  • 04 Easy adoption thanks to cloud architecture

    SmartBee is implemented as a web system to eliminate device purchasing, a process that involves multiple tasks like device selection (e.g., iPhone, Android, iPad) and discussion of who should purchase (e.g., consignors or trustees). The device-agnostic approach simplifies the device preparation process and supports the BYOD (bring your own device) model, depending on your company policy. Deployment processes are also simple: the web system does not require distribution to and installation by many users for deployment, nor re-distribution for upgrades or failure recovery. The architecture also allows managers to register and update master data fields like work items easily.

  • 05 Safety and security

    A fundamental approach to safety is to ensure critical information is delivered to on-site workers. This requires a system to send messages to them and track who has read them, as there is a lot of information to share, including business communications, claims, and disaster information. SmartBee's messaging function allows managers to do this. The system also displays unread messages whenever users log in to help share important notes without fail, improving safety and reducing accidents and claims. To prevent errors and fraud, it can alert if a device is far from the property using a pre-specified latitude and longitude. Saving location information when work is completed also allows managers to track it.
    For data security, SmartBee permits administrators, managers, and workers to use a different set of functions. You can also specify which property data to show or make accessible to which groups users belong to, such as companies and regions. Even if a device is lost, there is no risk of data extraction because the web system leaves no data on the device, unlike native applications.

  • 06 Cost reduction

    SmartBee is cost-saving: it enables paperless operations without paper or document storage costs, streamlines on-site and management workflows to reduce these workloads, and utilizes customers' existing devices to minimize device purchase costs.

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