OmniAccess Stellar

High-performance Wi-Fi

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What is OmniAccess Stellars?

Alcatel Lucent Enterprise's OmniAccess Stellar Wi-Fi solution, which supports Wi-Fi6 standards, provides a high-quality, highly secure Wi-Fi>*KCME is a distributor of Alcatel Lucent Enterprise.

OmniAccess Stellar Products Image(Stellar AP1300)


  • 01 Distributed control approach

    The smart Wi-Fi solution is based on a distributed control architecture that eliminates the need for a physical WLAN controller. This offers many advantages over controller-based solutions, including easy scalability, increased availability, and reduced standby time.

  • 02 Simple operations

    OmniVista integrates and manages the entire network environment, including LANs, WLANs, users, IoT devices and applications. Its single platform dashboard manages everything in and on the network.

  • 03 Advanced security

    Wi-Fi6 access points use WPA3, the latest encryption protocol. Among the various security features, Deep Packet Inspection* is implemented.*Deep Packet Inspection (DPI): A packet inspection method

Solution image

A smart Wi-Fi environment for you.

The high-end Wi-Fi solution delivers a superior user experience and simplified operations.

Main functions

Where to use

Here's how the solution is being used in different spaces.

Scene #1
OmniAccess Stellar provides a Wi-Fi network environment with a satisfactory level of security, which is paramount for a network connected by a number of people. Its continuous optimization between radios maintains a stable environment by preventing network interruptions due to RF interference, etc.
Scene #2
Stabilizing school network environments is essential to ensuring that classes with teachers and students using computers or tablets can continue with a smooth user experience.

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