City of Kushiro and KCME Agreed on Comprehensive Collaboration Partnership for Regional Revitalization

The Kushiro government (City of Kushiro, Hokkaido; Mayor: Hiroya Ebina) signed a comprehensive partnership agreement with KCCS Mobile Engineering Co., Ltd. (Head Office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President & CEO: Hyngbae Kim; hereinafter called "KCME,") aiming for revitalizing the local community.


The purpose of this agreement is to further improve public services in Kushiro and promote local revitalization. As part of its vision about developing "communities where people can continue to thrive without disparities," KCME has been working on the development and deployment of systems for regional revitalization.
Under this agreement, KCME and the Kushiro government will jointly pursue the use of ICT to address regional revitalization and local issues.

Outline of the Comprehensive Partnership Agreement with City of Kushiro

swiftly and accurately respond to various local issues and to revitalize the local community through close cooperation between City of Kushiro and KCME
■What to cooperate on
To achieve the objectives, we will work together on the following:
1. Matters related to the use of ICT necessary for resolving regional issues
2. Matters related to improving disaster prevention awareness and disaster response capabilities
3. Matters concerning regional infrastructure development and work style reform
4. Matters concerning education and human resource development
5. Matters on regional development
6. Other matters deemed necessary

■KCCS Mobile Engineering Co., Ltd. (KCME)

KCCS Mobile Engineering, a member of the Kyocera Group, commenced operations in 2011 intending to become a "global company that contributes to the development of communities where people can continue to thrive without disparities, " centering around optimal solutions that integrate mobile and ICT. It is developing a wide range of businesses, not only in the fields of Mobile Internet, AI, IoT, Big Data, and virtual cloud, which are the foundations of the information revolution, but also in their subdivided fields such as 5G, SDN, NFV, GPON, and related engineering. It is also focusing efforts to implement SDGs while operating its business. Since July 2019, KCME has introduced a disaster prevention cloud system to 5 towns and villages in Hokkaido that are members of the Hokkaido Council for the Promotion of ICT Infrastructure Use.*1
Official website:

*1: Press release on July 20, 2018: -

Contact for media inquiries

<KCCS Mobile Engineering Co., Ltd.>
Yuri Tokunou, Public Relations Office

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