SiraseI Live

The council live broadcast application helps raise awareness of self-governance!
Live streaming will make councils more open, leading to improved resident awareness.

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What is the SiraseI Live?

The SiraseI Live is a video streaming application for governments that comprises a part of the broader ShiraseI solution.
It delivers quality videos with low latency even in a low bandwidth environment.
It is usable for broadcasting council meetings and sharing regional information such as local events.
The solution will help raise residents' interest in and awareness of local self-governance, contributing to developing a community where residents and government can work closely together.


Main functions

Main use cases of the SiraseI Live

  • Scene #1

    Council meeting live streaming

  • Scene #2

    Local government information distribution

  • Scene #3

    Recreational videos for residents

  • Scene #4

    Lectures and other events


Some local governments are using it for advanced efforts.


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